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Program Periklanan - Serba-serbi Google - in English

©2007 Google

Selasa, 04 September 2007

All for One, One for All

Far away we are all from,
separated by distances and by time,
Far away we all stay, in the north
and in the south, east and west,

Come united we are all,
four in one love, one love for all,
And we are afraid no more,
as happiness is ours, each and all,

At the airport we part and say goodbye,
to the future we are heading,
At the airport we are united,

four in one, one for four,
The love of each other, as the love
for all, and all for the love,
Day by day, may our days be filled,

with life and care,
For each in one, and all in one as
well, in one for each, and so for all.

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